Driving higher response rates through better experiences

We help guide your mobile strategy with a focus on data visibility, productivity, operations, and achieving your business objectives and outcomes by supporting you at every turn.

Computer mockup of Marlimar Veloce software and its various capabilities

Product Highlights

Multiform Automation

AI powered automation that consumes multiple file types

Workflow Customization

Simple workflow configuration based on your rules

Event Activation

System triggered events for leads, appointments, and more

Intelligent Scheduling

Auto schedule drip campaigns with smart logic

Media Integration

Supports images, videos, auto-mapping, and content collation

Registry Compliance

Carrier Campaign Registry and callback landline numbers

Insightful Analytics

Rich system reporting of logs, campaign status, and metrics

Key Features
Automated texts sent on your behalf using rule-based algorithms and connection with your company software. Customized AI to your business needs
Lead Generation
Invitations to text keywords and QR codes-to-text to begin lead engagement. Give customers the ability to receive experiences to their phone.
Lead Follow Up
Text to a lead instantly after they make an inquiry. 1st impressions make a huge difference.
Confirm appointments via text immediately after scheduling with a lead. Give the consumer ownership in the appointment.
Same day reminders with representative’s photo and information link. Lift the sale opportunity by making your company more familiar.
Keep customers in touch with status updates and links to installation preparations. Service Drives Sales.
Collect key stipulations and 2-way document images through text engagement. Keep consumers and companies informed.
Drip Campaigns
Messaging designed to elicit engagement with leads who have not purchased, canceled appointments, or were no shows. Let text drive automated follow up.
Review Request
Receive important customer feedback via review request links. The review is the modern day referral.
Professional Service
2-way employee group communications, training and recruiting text message engagement. Keep managers and employees in contact.
Group Messaging
Send groups of customers important follow up and annual thank you messaging. Segment marketing to deliver relevant messaging with relevant calls to action.
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